so burn on, you little candle
Make sure your headlights aren't covered. Always use them. Seatbelt. Defrost, don't try driving with iced windows. Don't drive panicked. Accelerate slowly and give yourself lots of room to stop. Safe following distance. Someone will cut you off so be wary. Don't be a dick and cut someone off. Always use turn signals. If you're first at a light make sure everyone is stopped before going when green. Some people can't stop and will spin out in the intersection. If you are spinning out or cannot stop lay on your horn. Do not rush. If you have a truck do not tailgate small cars, it makes them anxious. If you have a truck carry a tow strap. If you are in a ditch don't floor it and get more stuck. Be careful where you attach the tow strap to a small car; you can and will ruin your car yanking on the wrong areas. If you are swerving take your feet off of the brake and gas, do very small wheel adjustments. Don't even touch your phone. Ever. There are no discernible lanes. Follow the tracks and do as best you can. Always keep your phone charged. Be safe. Don't try to show off. Don't endanger a life by driving like a dick. Watch for deer. If you have to choose between hitting an animal or another car or tree please choose wisely. Now we can all drive in the snow!!