понедельник, 19 февраля 2007
В последнее время очень люблю синий цвет. Он и в одежде у меня теперь встречается, осталось только приобщиться к зеленому - и гардероб всех цветов радуги готов... Но синий мне очень нравится.
Так, сегодня понедельник, да? У брата день рождения! Василий, с двадцатилетием, щасссья тебе и хороших оценок. И светлого будущего, сам понимаешь
Понедельник. Мне все кажется, что воскресенье, все как-то сдвинулось из-за каникул. Сейчас с мамой в магазин пойдем, и я, может, куплю себе пенку для волос, хочу чего-нить новенького.
Решили отмечать 23 феврала, ибо сам бог велел, - день защитника Отечества, правда, канадского, видимо, но самого что ни на есть: Фраз с Настей служат (работают, то бишь) в армии, и хоть Настя не мальчик, Фраз - очень даже.
Не знаю, что подарить. Они с Дэйсоном нахально попросили стриптиз, но фигу, блин, не дождутся

А так... Что-нить такое... Не знаю. Надо ворочать мозгами.
Напоследок текст на английском. Переводить времени нет, так что буду рада, если сами прочтете. Какой умный мужчино. У меня интеллектуальный оргазм.
With one leg out of commission, people tend to assume that the recent uprising of winter must somehow be worse for me. Sure it's cold outside, but the truth is, only when someone mentions it. Next to water, black ice, stairs and anything more then 10 meters away, the cold takes a back seat in a no-back-seat-driving car. These crutches seem to keep my mind occupied long enough to ignore the RELATIVELY smaller concerns of below freezing temperature. Now I'm not saying that I don't get cold, just that our minds tend to focus on the primary threat, ignoring the RELATIVELY smaller ones. In this case(in my case), irritation, frustration, and the look of disgust from the yellow foamy residue left on my jacket from crutch pads are what stand out when I decide to get out of bed this morning.
RELATIVELY speaking, RELATIVITY plays a much bigger role in our lives then we may think. Much like how our brains prioritize what we physically feel by the RELATIVENESS of pain, how we think, act, and emotionally feel are also largely dictated by RELATIVE factors. Aside from Einstein's Theory of RELATIVITY, you may be familiar with the concept by simply distinguishing left from right, joy from sorrow, and light from darkness. Now, you might be thinking that "sure, I know which way's left and which way's right, even my cat knows that!" But really, if all but one direction was to be taken away, how can we truly describe which way is left? Without a concept of more then one direction, direction itself seizes to exist. You feel joy because you know what it feels to be hurt. The very essence of being happy, excited, delighted, amused, exist only because you have at some point in your life existed in a state of despair, anguish, sorrow, and depression. Without light, how could we possibly understand the concept of darkness, colour and intensity (for some ufo’s and Jesus). And most importantly, how could we understand Lex Luthor’s evil kiniving personality in comparison to Superman’s righteous, caring characteristics (I love you Superman! Stupid Lex!). We exist RELATIVELY, and anything in existence is RELATIVE. I am who I am because I can define you as being distinct from myself. Ironically however, my very individuality and uniqueness can only exist when put beside a contrasting personality. As the saying goes, “you’re unique, just like everyone else.” Essentially, at the very core, our entire logic structure is based on definitions which rely on contrasting terms which would be meaningless without the presence of a counterpart(s).
“So what’s your point Fraz? My cat’s getting hungry.” Some would describe life as a constant bombardment of stimuli. Some of which we bring upon ourselves to experience comforting feelings and emotions. And some of which we naturally experience from the efforts of our environment and the mechanics of our bodies. I like to think that life is a constant bombardment of RELATIVITY. An effort to experience stimuli and then to feel a RELATIVELY different one. Jumping from one task to another, mistaking them as homework assignments, movies, words on a page, and water falling from the sky. But really, it’s a constant unrelenting desire to feel. But not just to feel, to feel different from this moment and the next moment from this one. To experience REALITVITY at its fullest in hopes life will also be as fulfilling. Maybe that’s why we dream. Never are we closer to unfelt desires and feelings then when we imagine them as part of us. And maybe that’s why we fall in LOVE. Never are we closer to our dreams then when another person makes you feel what you could never dream of.
"Will I be able to understand Einstein's Theory of RELATIVITY after reading this?"
RELATIVELY speaking... sure, why not.
Просили стриптиз? круто! ))
текст сидела и переводила, понравилось, да*)
Приятно слышать, что ты прочла. Спасибо)))
да не стоит, я со словариком читала