so burn on, you little candle
Уууууу, я что-то там писала насчет расстройства по поводу лекции? Забудьте... Здоровье превыше всего! 
Dear Students in Section L0101,
I am currently sitting waiting for results from an X-ray, after having just gotten negative results (that's good, actually) from an ultra sound. I try never to miss a lecture - least of all one before a test, but trust me, I couldn't have managed the lecture, let alone get to UTM if I'd had a limosine pick me up. I have some incredibly unpleasant pain in my upper right abdomen, that thus far, no one can identify. It started on Friday and just got progressively worse until yesterday when I went to the Walk-In Clinic I go to.
So, there's the reason. I'm not whining! I'm just letting you know that it takes a lot to keep me away. I even went to UTM Day yesterday in the morning - and went straight to the Clinic after I returned to Toronto.
Now - to important matters. The lecture today would have only been on Postman's work. I did not do a review in any section. Given that you can choose from THREE different questions, that will give you plenty of latitude for the test. Reading the piece I wrote for the CCNET required readings on Marcuse and Postman will be just fine.
If at all possible, I'll try to make it to lecture for the test, but I can't promise. Things are just a little to painful at the moment.
Abby Salole, the TA Coordinator will be there to administer the test along with lots of other TAs. I wish you the best for this test.
Barry Green

Dear Students in Section L0101,
I am currently sitting waiting for results from an X-ray, after having just gotten negative results (that's good, actually) from an ultra sound. I try never to miss a lecture - least of all one before a test, but trust me, I couldn't have managed the lecture, let alone get to UTM if I'd had a limosine pick me up. I have some incredibly unpleasant pain in my upper right abdomen, that thus far, no one can identify. It started on Friday and just got progressively worse until yesterday when I went to the Walk-In Clinic I go to.
So, there's the reason. I'm not whining! I'm just letting you know that it takes a lot to keep me away. I even went to UTM Day yesterday in the morning - and went straight to the Clinic after I returned to Toronto.
Now - to important matters. The lecture today would have only been on Postman's work. I did not do a review in any section. Given that you can choose from THREE different questions, that will give you plenty of latitude for the test. Reading the piece I wrote for the CCNET required readings on Marcuse and Postman will be just fine.
If at all possible, I'll try to make it to lecture for the test, but I can't promise. Things are just a little to painful at the moment.
Abby Salole, the TA Coordinator will be there to administer the test along with lots of other TAs. I wish you the best for this test.
Barry Green
я бы, может, не смогла написать такое письмо. was ist "CCNET"?
CCNET - это сайт нашего курса по социологии, на котором Грин выкладывает статьи для чтения.