so burn on, you little candle
Bodies (including female bodies) have hair all over the place. I love my partner's body, because it's the thing that carries around her generous heart and her wonderful mind. I want my partner to feel sexy, because it makes our being together easier, more natural, and more fun when she can be herself.

When she used to shave everything all the time, she'd apologize when she skipped a day and got a little stubbly, and I could tell, at those times, that she didn't feel sexy; it made our intimacy less fun because she was self-conscious. This winter, she started shaving less, and I reassured her that I didn't mind, and that I wanted her to do whatever was easiest and most comfortable. It's her body, after all. We started having more morning sex, more couch sex, more quiet eye-to-eye sex: it stopped being a production and became a spontaneous expression of our intimacy.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, she's wearing more skirts and dresses, and shaving more regularly. I love it when we're out together, and she'll cross a leg across my lap, and I can run my fingers from her knee to her toes and feel the newly-shaved skin. I love it because I know that she spent a lot of time that morning thinking about our evening together: picking out her outfit, doing her make-up, shaving and plucking. I would never demand or expect her to do any of these things, but I love the fact that she feels special and sexy when she does, and that she does them for me.

I hope you're in a relationship like ours, or that you soon will be. I was planning on being flip with this post: saying that anyone who is taking you from behind should be damn happy and proud, and not worry about a few errant hairs. But I know people can be shallow and cruel, so I'll say this:

Sex is, fundamentally, about feeling good. If sex isn't making you feel good: because you're self-conscious, because your partner is selfish or superficial, because of the maintenance you need to do in order to have sex, or because of societal pre-conceptions about how the ideal sexual body should be, simply taking a razor to your pubic hair won't do any good. It'll take some time (especially if you're new to this) but if you approach your sexuality carefully, critically, and with an open heart, you'll end up doing what's right in the end (no pun intended).


We notice stretch marks but we don't see them as being hideous or unattractive, they're part of your beautiful body that we get to see. We aren't examining you during sex, we're exploring you. We're in awe, we're experiencing wonder. There are curves and lines and soft hidden places that are ours only to enjoy and it's beautiful and our eyes can't get enough. We are attracted to you not because your body is without marks or flaws but because you are a beautiful living breathing feeling woman who is sharing herself so intimately.

I wish I could describe what is happening in our minds when you girls take your clothes off, you would never be ashamed of your bodies during sex again.

@темы: замечательно!, reddit

29.04.2012 в 19:57

91. (ninety-one is the natural number following 90 and preceding 92)
честно говоря, потрясающе и вдохновляет
30.04.2012 в 01:42

мозги в баночке
есть в американском языке, как мне кажется, такая характерная традиция писать подобные тексты. я имею в виду стиль изложения. все это мне неумолимо напоминате какого-нибудь фромма или гуманистических философов-публицистов
30.04.2012 в 02:01

so burn on, you little candle
iveco, поэтому я и хочу это сохранить, чтобы перечитывать иногда, в моменты особой грусти

Ай эм, если бы все так писали, на самом деле... таких хороших постов - единицы, поэтому они и попадают в мой дневник