By "natural" order of things I mean the tendency to go to a shop to try and find clothes that fit one's body. Here, clothing is made subordinate to the demands of the body. But if the store manages to create a stylized image, an abstract model of a standard female body, then the body must be made to fit the clothes that the store makes available. Here, the body is made subordinate to an abstract model that stands outside it and is shaped by marketing. No longer does the store have to cope with the (for it) distressing irregularities of female bodies coming in all shapes and sizes, for now the projected image will appear as the only sort of body that women are supposed to have, and some will no doubt strive to attain that sort of standardized body, unreal though it may seem to women composed of flesh and blood rather than easily mouldable plastic. Standard sized and shaped bodies come to fit the standard sizes and shapes provided by mass manufacture – more profits can be made from these sorts of bodies than any other. Ready-made clothing demands ready-made bodies.
Peter Corrigan, 1997

The pleasures offered to women by their own bodies [cannot] be adequately explained by the giving of pleasure to the masculine order. The pleasure of the look is not just the pleasure of looking good for the male, but rather of controlling how one looks and therefore of controlling the look of others upon oneself.
John Fiske, 1989

Внимайте, внимайте! Это про любовь к себе, которая очень важна, и про власть над мужчинами (и женщинами в некоторых случаях тоже), которую надо распознавать и чувствовать. Пользоваться ею чересчур не рекомендуется, но ощущать ее вкупе с любовью к себе ох как замечательно