While one would indeed expect to observe at least some variation in the ways the two ceremonies were organized and in ways the bride and groom felt about this important life course event, based on the assumption that a lot changed in 40 years, as well as the fact that both marriages took place in the context of Italian community in Canada, this paper will show that there were no significant differences in the meaning placed on the act of getting married and the way the rite of passage was carried out.
Кто что понял - руки вверх. И вот над таким я страдаю уже который день. Сейчас пришел час икс: я почти дописала это страшно длинное эссе, и мне осталось только родить вывод, по возможности такой же изячно запутанный, как вот это страшное ОНО. Свобода через полчаса! Свобода!